Elephant Journal
The Elephant Journal is your guide to what we like to call ‘the mindful life’: yoga, organics, sustainability, genuine spirituality, conscious consumerism, fair fashion, the contemplative arts…
Featured Writers

Maria Romanenko
Hi! I'm Maria. I was born in Ukraine but studied and lived in the UK for a long time. I'm a psychologist, life coach, journalist, writer, and editor.I read 28 …
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Savana Lee
Savana is a published author, international artist and successful freelance writer. As a content creator she designs blog articles, website content, and social media posts successfully capturing the vision and …
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Leila Makke
I’m as fond of journalistic writing, which is clear and concise than creative writing, which is liberating and veridical. Any theme is a potential subject matter to create content. You …
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Kaitlin Morelli, Content Specialist
I'm a content-creating chameleon with word-weaving prowess that has elevated the marketing and sales strategies for over 200 brands. Check out some of my high-conversion articles here.
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Latest Articles

I am so motivated to explore the topic of creativity discussed on one of the most uplifting podcast interviews between two of the most influential, inspirational, and innovative people of our time.

What Getting a Matching Tattoo with my Ex Taught me about Love. | elephant journal
Here is something I’m not proud to admit. I got a matching tattoo with a guy I was dating. I know, I know. Technically, I should have known better.

Dating Apps & the Art of Knowing what you Bring to the Table. | elephant journal
I hate online dating. I know, therein lies the most unoriginal of thoughts, repeated time and time again. But there it is.

How to Master Shadow Work. | elephant journal
I once had someone scoff at me when I mentioned the idea of shadow work. The remark went something along the lines of: “We don’t need to analyze the ugly parts of ourselves.”

Bermuda Triangle of Manifestation
To devote our faith to the universe, we must first understand Chaos Theory. Chaos theory is defined as an interdisciplinary theory where random states of disorder and chaotic complex systems are actually governed by underlying patterns...

6 Game-Changing Ways to Have a Healthy Relationship with Social Media | elephant journal
Liz Hoffmann’s first novel “One Ruby Button” is available on Amazon and is a fun and up…

The Ayurvedic Device I never knew I Needed to Soothe my Anxious Mind. {Partner}
So my husband and I, anxious, aching, and exhausted as ever, have hit a (fire)wall.

5 types of toxic people who can ruin your professional life
Colleagues who can make your work life a terrible experience

How Families Unintentionally Enable Alcoholism
Wanting to help a loved one struggling with substance addiction is an understandable and natural response. Many family members and friends feel that it is their job to help a person suffering from alcoholism and that if they manage the problems caused by the addiction, they can help reduce their …

Have you ever…
Have you ever felt that what you are doing daily isn’t where you are supposed to be? Do you feel that sense of anxiety that you want to break free but you are unsure of which direction you should be going in? Have you ever felt even though you are …

I Love Virtual Life—Perhaps More Than I Should.
Yes, 2020: We all get it; we all love to hate it. The endless Zoom meetings, and the absence of music events and other types of usual entertainment. But I’ve come to realize that I actually like the quarantine life. Should I be concerned about this fact? Maybe. But so …

A Personal Letter to Failure.
I don’t like you, and I never will. But I know we are going to make more memories together in the near future.

Seven Keys to Mindfulness During COVID-19
We are in a time where there is a lot of uncertainty and fear regarding the pandemic that is sweeping the planet. Life is not what we are used to. Many of the activities we are accustomed to are ‘on pause’ and most of us are spending a lot of …

If You Have The Slightest Urge To Write. Please Do! | elephant journal
Ashley Franklin: They say that the best stories come from experience, and when it comes…

Maybe COVID-19 is here to Teach us all Something | elephant journal
Ashley Franklin: They say that the best stories come from experience, and when it comes…

Trust your Wild Heartbeat to Lead You where you Need to Go. | elephant journal
We have forgotten that we don’t have to sell or paint a masterpiece to be an artist. We put so much pressure on ourselves and what art really means. It isn’t something outside of us; it isn’t something solely meant for galleries where we are told to look but not …

How I Continued to Grow After the Worst Harassment of My Career.
GHOSTWRITTEN: This is a ghostwritten piece for a former client that was accepted and published into Elephant Journal in 2018. *NOTE: Though the byline on this piece is the client's, this is my work.

Emma Thompson & I are Hypocrites—& so are You.
I wonder at times if it is possible to be a perfect human. No, not that type of perfect that you thought of, because everyone knows that there is no perfection. I wonder if one can live consciously and intentionally, even at the expense of their own comfort. Because lots …

Five TV Shows to Watch on International Day of the Girl Child.
“Someday there will be girls and women whose name will no longer mean the mere opposite of the male, but something in itself, something that makes one think not of any complement and limit, but only life and reality: the female human being.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~ Rilke said …

A Cry for Help from Pakistani Women.
This is a textbook prepared by the Provincial Curriculum and Textbook Board of the Government, for Home Economics taught solely to girls in sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Unlike the title, the books do not teach them how to manage their finances successfully in life, but instead teach them how …

December Reveries: Days of Roses & Wine.
We met in an unconventional way, you and I—on Twitter, to be precise. You had a clever wit combined with a careless, youthful manner that immediately attracted me. You see, while your manner had a youthful carelessness about it, it did not mask the fact you were more intelligent than …

We Deserve to Heal: An Open Letter from Women around the World.
Sometimes when I close my eyes to sleep at night, I can hear the collective screaming, crying and sighing of generations upon generations of women: raped, forced to bear children, forced to give away their children, forced to provide nourishment to the man who would then use his strength to …

I Went to a Nude Beach and I Liked It (Kind of)
– Shall we go to a nudist beach? My best friend asked me during our vacation in Barcelona. She later admitted she wasn’t sure whether I’d agree or this idea would actualize. She merely “just said it.”But the idea was planted in my head and I kept mentioning it back …

Elephant Journal
We’re dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care about living a good, fun life that’s good for others, and our planet. The mindful life is about yoga, organics, sustainability, conscious consumerism, enlightened education, the contemplative arts, …

What Laying on the Ground has to do with Healing the Planet & our need for More, More, More.
While consumerism lies about what can give us contentment, lying in Savasana can—with training—give us real contentment, for the rest of our lives.

My Paris for your L.A.: How to be a Writer.
Before it was popular in movies, and way before Airbnb, I swapped my apartment for a few months with a complete stranger practically halfway around the world. I was lucky enough to be living just a few steps away from the infamous Boardwalk in Venice Beach, California. It sounds magical—and …

No Wonder Recycling in the United States is so far behind Europe.
Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Rating—which helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. Learn more. My friend spent much of her childhood between Amsterdam and the United States. When she was in graduate school, she moved back …

What it’s like for a Mother without her Children
My ex-husband and I planned the trip for weeks: our two daughters, ages eight and ten, would board a plane and fly from Los Angeles to Florida. They would spend the entire summer with him, and a couple of weeks before school started, they’d return and our lives in California …

Learning to Love our own Fate.
We live our lives narrating our version of this truth to everyone we encounter. We sometimes tweak the plot to our advantage or censor it to legitimize the choices we make.

I Survived the Turkish Uprising—here’s why I still Vote.
It took less than five minutes. I didn’t feel excited, angry, nervous, hopeful, or hopeless. I did it with the same nonchalance I exude going...