Vice is a North American magazine that is focused on international arts, culture, and news topics. The publication is available free of charge in twenty-eight countries and is financed by advertising.
Featured Writers

Maisy Farren
Media and communications graduate of Goldsmiths, University of London (2018). Bylines Include NMERefinery29Metro.co.ukDAZEDGigwisei-DBackstage Tales Creative Editor for The Femme Collective
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Renaldo Gabriel
A practicing journalist, content developer, and creative copywriter. Works with communities to directly impact socio-economic change within the informal creative economy.
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Matt Follett
Dynamic and versatile storyteller with demonstrated experience with long form documentary production, short form video production, audio production and feature writing. My works has been recognized by the Associated Press, …
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Jera Brown — Freelance Writer
Queer, nonbinary freelance writer focusing on sexuality, spirituality, and social justice topics. Current projects include: - Just the Tip — an inclusive sex and relationship advice column- Radical Soul Newsletter …
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Helena Blackstone
London-based writerPublished in The Guardian, The New York Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, Dazed Magazine, Vice, Huffington Post, Evening Standard Magazine and moreGet in touch: helenablackstone@gmail.com
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