Developer Portfolio Examples
Explore this selection of handpicked portfolios built with Journo Portfolio. The range of themes means all portfolios are different.
AllVideographerVideo EditorTranslatorSocial Media ManagerReporterProofreaderPoetPodcasterPhotographerMusicianModelJournalistInterior DesignerIllustratorHair & Makeup ArtistGraphic DesignerFeature WriterFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDesignerCreative WriterCopywriterContent CreatorBroadcasterBloggerAuthorArtistArchitectAnimator
Oscar's portfolio
An iOS engineer with 8+ years of experience, specializing in Swift and SwiftUI. This site showcases my most recent projects. Take a look!
View PortfolioFelBorn
A Studying Game Developer working towards creating his very own ambitious RPG project.
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