Film Portfolio Examples
Discover film portfolio website examples. Filmmakers and critics showcase their work, from reviews to behind-the-scenes insights.
AllVideographerVideo EditorTranslatorSocial Media ManagerReporterProofreaderPoetPodcasterPhotographerMusicianModelJournalistInterior DesignerIllustratorHair & Makeup ArtistGraphic DesignerFeature WriterFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDesignerCreative WriterCopywriterContent CreatorBroadcasterBloggerAuthorArtistArchitectAnimator

Portafolio Alba Diaz Cosgaya
Cuando no estoy dándole a la tecla, lo más probable es que esté avanzando en la tarea de ver el catálogo completo de Netflix, HBO Max, Apple TV o Prime.
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Rosetta Communications
Rosetta Communication is owned and operated by Ryan Ottney.Ryan is an award-winning professional writer and editor with experience in journalism, communications, social media, education, health, comic books and entertainment.
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Kunal Sharad
Kunal Sharad Copywriter, content designer, campaigner working in the social impact, climate change, & creative sectors.
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